Designated as a warranty repair facility by several pump manufacturers, our service center can test and repair virtually any style of pump. Full shop capabilities allow us to test various electric motor capacities to 500 hp.

Residential Irrigation Pump Repair
Not sure if your pump needs to be repaired, rebuilt or replaced? Or maybe you know exactly what is the issue and just need some help with the repair. Bring your pump down to our service center and our knowledgable team of pump repair professionals will give you an honest answer and a fair price. Unfortunately, we are not able to make residential house calls. If you are in need of a landscape contractor for pump installation or on-site pump troubleshooting, or to help you pull and transport your pump, please visit the Association of Landscape Contractors of Colorado for a list of landscape contractors near you.

Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Service and Repair
Our service and sales team can help determine the best way to meet your needs. Whether you have a simple troubleshooting issue or a complex rebuild, we're here to help!

Monday-Friday – 8:00am to 5:00pm

812 South 9th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Toll Free: 800.933.1290
Fax: 970.241.1368

Pump station start-up and repair
Munro's Systems Integration team offers start up and repair services for Munro pump stations nationwide. They can also offer repair and troubleshooting for many other manufacturers pump stations. 

Please contact the Munro Systems Integration team at 877.372.9005 to discuss your pump station service needs.